Monday, May 11, 2020

What is a Sex Addiction - 1031 Words

Sex is a beautiful thing that happens between two people, but sometimes sex can become addictive, and like with any other addiction, it can ruin lives. Patricia is in her mid-thirties, and to those who know her, she is a soccer mom with a successful career. But after her marriage ended due to her husband’s affair, Patricia became insecure, and started exploring dating sites on the internet – soon, Patricia was going on dates, sex dates - and in an interview with the Philadelphia Weekly, she admits that she is addicted to sex, and there is a problem. The American Psychiatric Association and Diagnostic (APAD) and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) don’t recognize the abuse of sex as an addiction. Although not recognize as†¦show more content†¦It lowers the sex addict’s self-esteem, because he or she might have to do something humiliating in order to obtain sex. Also the addict after having sex might have guilt or regret of their a ctions. A sex addict is not always the victim though, because of the poor decision making when they have the urge to engage in sexual activity it may lead for them to molest a child. Research shows that about 71 percent of sex addicts are child molesters are sex addicts, sex offenders are believed to act upon sexual gratification as well as a sex addict they want to be gratified and satisfied (Sex Addiction, Project know). They might want to be dominant or want to feel less dominant. In the case a sex addict molesting a child it leads to them feeling in control of the situation, and feeling in power. Because the addict might have never felt that way they want to feel and dominant, and aren’t aware of the harm they are causing to the child until they have already committed the act of molestation. There is general agreement with some psychiatrist that sex addicts usually have more than one mental health disorder, but where they disagree is if having more mental health disorders causes the addictive behavior (Gale Reference Sex Addiction). Some of the mental disorders that might be present in a sex addict are: Bipolar disorder, Paraphilia (reoccurring sexual desires with someone or an object that’s not normal), andShow MoreRelatedMy Paper649 Words   |  3 PagesSex addicts come from dysfunctional families and 90 % of them suffer emotional abuse, 70% physical abuse, and 81% sexual abuse (Miller, 2005). This paper will give a summary on the form of sex addiction. In addition, this will discuss the addiction, sex addiction behaviors, and the treatment. What is sex addiction? Sex addiction is when an individual has strong intense sex desires. 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