Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Worst Day of my Life

The Worst Day of my Life BY challenge It started out as a great summer day with my band class. Than all of a sudden something happened that has not happened In 16 years while the class was on a trip. What had happened had ruined everyone's day of fun. In June of 2011, we went to Kings Island to have a fun day before school started back up in August. We had planned to be there until pm. We split up into small groups and did our different things. I was walking around with my best friend, Taylor. We went and rode the Vortex, which was the first time that I had rode it since the last year of going with the class.It was about 9:30 when we got done riding the Vertex and Taylor wanted to go and ride the Fire hawk. I decided that I would ride It with her. We were walling In line talking until it was our turn to ride. When we got on and started buckling up, the seat belt wouldn't go around me so I was told that I had to get off. Taylor said she would get off too but I told her to go ahead and ride because she was the one who wanted to ride it in the first place. I went to get off and the two people on the other side of her wouldn't move their feet, so I had to climb over their feet and when I did, I tripped and fell.When I fell I heard my ankle pop. I tried to get up but I couldn't move my feet. While the people that were watching the ride was on the phone with the Meet's, Taylor had called our teacher to let him know that I fell and that they were taking me to the hospital. After she got off the phone with him, she called my mom to let her know what had happened and that I was on my way to the hospital. When the Meet's got there, they had to carry me down the stairs In a chair. They put me In the back of one of the trucks that they use and took me to the clinic at Kings Island, where they put me Into the ambulance and got y teacher to go with me.He had to go since he was the one In charge of me for the day. When we got to the hospital, they took me back to get x-rays o f my ankles. While we were waiting for the results, my teacher called my mom and let her know that I was at the hospital. She told him that she was already notified and that she was on her way there. The doctors came back with the results, they told me that I had fractured my left ankle and sprained my right one. My teacher had called the bus driver and let him know what had happened. He gathered up all of the other students and faculty; and come to the hospital.My teacher had stayed there with me until my mom got there. My mom had got to the hospital when the nurse was putting my ankle into a half cast. After my mom got there, the bus had pulled Into the parking lot. My teacher had left with the rest of the group to go back home. When they released me to go they were going to have me walk out to the car, but I wasn't able to walk. They finally brought a wheelchair in for me to go out in. I had a hard time getting into the car because of the cast, so I had to sit sideways in the car . My mom wasn't very happy because she had to come and get me from the hospital at 0:30 pm.We got back home around midnight, which was about an hour before the rest of the class did, because the teacher had the bus driver take the long way home. Another x-ray done to see how my ankle was doing. The doctor told me I was able to get the half cast off, but I had to wear a boot until I could walk without it. A few days later Taylor had come to my house to see how I was doing. I was doing better but my ankle was still hurting. I had gotten a lot of calls from faculty that went on the trip to see how I was doing, but I really didn't mind them calling because that gave me money to talk to.I knew that they were all worried about me. I went to church the second Sunday after it happened and everyone there asked me what happened. I told them that I fell at Kings Island and fractured my left ankle and sprained my right one. That is one thing that I love about my church family because I know tha t they will always care about me. They always know when there is something wrong with me because of my facial expressions. When it came time to sign up for school the next year I was still in the boot and everyone kept saying â€Å"you're still in that thing.I said â€Å"yeah and I am tired of it. † It was getting a lot easier to walk with the boot on. I was able to stop wearing the boot two weeks before school started up, which I was very glad to get the boot off. That was the day that had ruined everyone's day of fun. I will never forget that day at Kings Island when I had hurt both of my ankles. Now every time that I go to Kings Island I will find a way to get hurt. This past summer, which was my last year going with the band class, I stepped in a hole; and fell and skinned my knee while walking with my group to go ride a ride. The Worst Day of My Life In my life the most thrilling and funniest days I have spent were when I used to be in a primary school. They were also probably the scariest and most troublesome days of my life. I used to get into a lot of trouble in those days; it was mostly due to bad luck, because it was mostly my friends' fault for doing anything bad. Despite this, I actually quite enjoyed doing troublesome things with my friends. These were my thrilling mates with whom I've spent, not the literally worst, but the scariest day of life. They were Imran, Rubel, Minaz and Jamie and the reliable and decent person in the crew was, Argha. And that's me. To start of my story I'll talk about something normal like the games we played. I used to love playing football, tennis, pool and cricket with my friends. Nowadays, I only put my effort and concentration into cricket because I'm good at it. The only thing I couldn't stand was racing. This was because I was a disgraceful runner. I was never able to keep up with my friends. Leaving a distance of less than five metres between my friends and me was a target I never achieved. Even if I was the first to start I was surely the last to finish. Luckily, I was never disgraceful enough to get beaten by any girl who wanted to join us, or by any boy who play with dolls manufactured for girls. When we were a bit out of breath from playing games or had just come out of lunch with our stomachs full we chucked stones at the window of an apartment accommodated by an old lady in a flat just beside our play ground. Whenever she looked out we hid behind the walls. Once the window cracked and the lady came over to our school, luckily none of the other kids gave us away. It was Monday. The first day of a school week. As usual, my friends and I did something to lighten up our boring day of school after the final bell rang to relieve us all. We were walking round the neighbourhood, full of narrow alleyways, where there wasn't a chance of police patrol to be present. I was chatting with my friend Imran never expecting what would happen behind us. We heard a small explosion. We turned around to see a blown up car tyre and Jamie with a big screw in his hand. Beside him was Rubel. Just as we finished shouting â€Å"why the hell did you guys do that?† an old lady screamed out of the window from the second floor, â€Å"you bloody hooligans, you're gonna get it this time†. Realizing that it was the same lady whose window which we often cracked, we started running with our faces covered. As I was obviously running like a tortoise behind all my friends I looked back. I screamed making my friends also look back to see a man chasing us with a machete and another man with a long lead pipe. That day, my fear actually brought out the best in me, because my heart was beating so fast that it made my legs work faster, I crossed my maximum speed without feeling any pressure or pain on my legs because all I was thinking about was not getting caught by them. Plus, I needed to sprint faster because they didn't seem like boys who play with Barbie dolls. I didn't think that they would really crack our skulls with that lead pipe or slash us in half with that machete. They were probably trying to scare the living daylights out of us to avoid any more of their properties getting damaged, but I just couldn't believe that a normal life like mine could be at risk of bleeding heavily to death. With people like these after us our only hope was to get out of these narrow streets and alleyways and into the main road, where there were more people and police patrolling everywhere. Then there wouldn't be a chance for them to wave their weapons about and chase eleven year olds. Thank God, we did make it to the main road and before we did they stopped and walked away. My body was shaking so much; it was as if I was in the middle of a snowstorm with only a pair of shorts on. I walked back home with my friends shivering like this. They dropped me off. I got home and went straight to bed to stop myself from trembling. It's likely my friends did the same. They sure did scare the hell out of us. Having a fight in school unarmed is one thing, getting chased by men with weapons in another. We left that matter behind our backs because even if our school is in their area, they didn't get a glimpse of our faces. It was ably the scariest day of my life, but my life has lots of years still to go, therefore no-one can tell, maybe this day will not be considered as the scariest, or the worst, in the future.

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