Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Renaissance architecture, sculpture, & painting Essay

Renaissance architecture, sculpture, & painting - Essay Example The essay "Renaissance architecture, sculpture, & painting" explores architecture, sculpture, & painting of Renaissance. The Renaissance artists depicted the world in its natural situation in their art forms. They had the sense of space and perspective that medieval artists lacked. Their representation of the natural world is most evident in the paintings of the time. Landscapes became the â€Å"earthly settings† of the paintings. For instance, consider Andrea Mantegna’s Arrival of Cardinal Francesco Gonzaga. This fresco, completed in 1474, features a landscape as the setting, depicting the trees, hills, and the surroundings in their natural look. Pietro Bruegel, the Elder, in his The Peasant Dance (1568), painted his subjects over a natural setting of a village. It is not only in the settings of the Renaissance art forms that the beauty of the natural world was portrayed; it was depicted as well in the human figures as subjects. As paintings of the time became less of religious forms, they came to portray subjects realistically. Apart from the representation of the natural world in the paintings, the liveliness of the human form became evident in the artworks. Da Vinci’s ever-famous Mona Lisa was such a humanistic portrayal. The smile on that womanly face had caught the attention ever since. In sculpture, Michelangelo’s Moses is a good example. He was dedicated to portraying lifelike human details that he even pared muscles and veins. The humanistic approach to paintings was also implied.

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