Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Fairy Tales and Gender Roles Essay example - 1172 Words

Fairy Tales and Gender Roles Some things about fairy tales we know to be true. They begin with once upon a time. They end with happily ever after. And somewhere in between the prince rescues the damsel in distress. Of course, this is not actually the case. Many fairytales omit these essential words. But few fairytales in the Western tradition indeed fail to have a beautiful, passive maiden rescued by a vibrant man, usually her superior in either social rank or in moral standing. Indeed, it is precisely the passivity of the women in fairy tales that has led so many progressive parents to wonder whether their children should be exposed to them. Can any girl ever really believe that she can grow up to be president or CEO or an†¦show more content†¦But in fact we use the stories that we tell children, and especially those that we tell over and over, to instill messages, to teach cultural norms, to establish the roots of what we hope will be proper behavior as the children grow up. Fairytales are a form of p ropaganda. The traditional fairytale almost always reflects (and therefore works to reproduce) the power relations of patriarchy; its rigid sexual patterns teach that fear and masochism are tenets of femininity and all of the symbolic inversions that occur are not chances to upset the standard patriarchal hierarchy but are instead ways of maintaining it (Bacchilega, 1997, pp. 50-1). To return for a moment to Snow White, the fact that women are presented so often as the oppressors of other women (or girls) is an essential aspect of fairytales, for it is an essential aspect of any patriarchal culture. One of the great questions for contemporary feminist scholars has always been, if women do not want to live in a sexist world, then why do they not raise their sons differently? Given that women are in almost all cases the primary caretakers of both sons and daughters, surely a determined generation of mothers could raise up an entire generation of sons who would behave very differently than their fathers had done in terms of treatingShow MoreRelatedGender Roles In The Fairy Tale848 Words   |  4 PagesCinderella in 1812. The fairy tale is about a young girl who is forced to live with her two evil stepsisters and stepmother. Cinderella tries to be positive and devout, even though her family is atrocious to her. In the end, the prince takes Cinderella to his cast le and they live happily ever after. The story describes the gender roles, conflicts, and implies how the story has changed over time. Frequently in the story, the characters’ traits are based on their gender. 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Fairy tales are especially targeted, though not exclusively, at children because they are passed on by parents each night before bed. But some of the stories that have been told for a long time across many different cultures have affected the perspectives of people more thanRead MoreFairy Tales Convey Hope720 Words   |  3 Pagesthat fairy tales gives? Most people in the world has read, listened to, or watched fairy tales. Many have watched at least one Disney movie. According to a book written by Henry Giroux, every year more than 200 million people watch a Disney movie (Giroux 19). Fairy tales are often used to teach children morals and are part of their everyday lives. Although most scholars have argued that fairytales are detrimental to children’s perception on life, closer examination shows that fairy tales giveRead MoreYoung Children And Adults Alike1515 Words   |  7 Pagesstories come morals, values, and stereotypes. A prevalen t stereotype found in fairy tales deals with genders and their norms and children in their early developmental years are exposed to these gender stereotypes. These are used as a tool to help children develop their gender identity. As they endure over time, fairy tales continue to teach gender stereotypes and this perpetuates our society’s current beliefs of gender. Children develop their sense of identity and gain information of the worldRead MoreEssay about Informative Synthesis Fairy Tales930 Words   |  4 PagesInformative Synthesis Fairy tales play a big role in society whether we realize it or not. They have been told by parents to their children for many generations. Everyone has been introduced to fairy tales whether it’s on TV, from a children’s book, told by someone else, we have all heard a fairy tale. Most of the time fairy tales are being told without thinking what they are about. Fairy tales have effect on people even if they do not know it, and four fairy tale analyzers have written articlesRead More Gender Issues within Fairy Tales Essay1006 Words   |  5 PagesGender Issues within Fairy Tales    Why is it that in a time when women were considered an inferior gender, they would become the main characters in fairy tales? One reason could be that fairy tales are one of the few genres created by women. The fairy tale originates in the seventeenth century when aristocratic women would gather in salons and play a game of who could make up the best story. This gave women a chance to demonstrate their intelligence and education, and to picture themselvesRead MoreThe Tale Of Snow White1586 Words   |  7 Pagesback to his kingdom. Furthermore, earlier in the tale when Snow White is initially discovered and presumed dead, because of her beauty, the dwarves could not bring themselves to bury her and thus they persevered her in a crystal clear casket. Therefore, it is because of her beauty that Snow White is not buried alive and this teaches the reader, particularly young girls, that possessing beauty can be protective and save their lives. To add, fairy tales, although perhaps unintentionally, depict thatRead MoreThe As A Girl s Self Esteem1514 Words   |  7 Pagesthe emphasis that fairy tales place on physical appearance can be very detrimental to a child (particularly a girl’s) development and ideas of reality. To add, fairy tales, although perhaps unintentionally, depict that attractiveness determines who is good and who is evil. The protagonist is often the princess, who is described as the prettiest in the land. The antagonist on the other hand is often less attractive and more than likely labeled ugly (Schussler). Because fairy tales often depict goodRead MoreCinderell An Outdated, Lying, Anti Feminist Tale?925 Words   |  4 PagesCinderella: An Outdated, Lying, Anti-Feminist Tale? Anne Sexton was a junior-college dropout who, inspired by emotional distress, became a poet. She won the Pulitzer Prize as well as three honorary doctorates. Her poems usually dealt with intensely personal, often feminist, subject matter due to her tortured relationships with gender roles and the place of women in society. The movies, women’s magazines and even some women’s schools supported the notion that decent women took naturally to homemaking

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Oregon Coast Free Essays

The sunset glistens against the raging ocean water. I could walk for miles on the sand as it is ongoing never ending. While your feet sink in the sand I can ponder the peacefulness around me. We will write a custom essay sample on The Oregon Coast or any similar topic only for you Order Now The way the two rocks were hit by the glowing sunrise set a reflection of crystals in the clear water. There was a slight misty breeze, as I walked along the water. The Oregon coast is my sanctuary with the two most beautiful rocks that stood on the edge of the unknown below them. Waves would rush up to my feet carrying the sand in between my toes. As I lifted my feet while walking I could hear a grinding sound like paper rubbing on the bottom of my feet. The sand started feeling softer and smoother against my feet. With every step, I watched how my footprints became embedded into the sand. Suddenly, seeing how slowly they would disappear with every inch the water covered. The water sent a chill throughout my body. It shocked me every time the bitter cold would crash into my feet. To see the sunset as the blue cloudless sky turns shades of black around me. It would take my breath away at every glance I would take. I backed away from the water for a moment, as my eyes marveled at the bright colors from above. It lit the water up reds, blues, yellows and orange reflections sparkled off the translucent water. Little speckles came out in the skies around you feeling like glitter dropping on your face. When looking down you could see black shaped and jagged edges on the sea floor. Specks of white shells had little shine to them, but would show a slight sparkle from above. The waves were slowly crashing against my feet. I glanced back at the two rocks they stood side by side. The rocks have a reflection of crystal rays surrounding them. Looking from a distance, they looked smaller than they really are. They have a sense of wonder, mystery to them. I could sit for hours and ponder them. How big are they? How long have they stood in the ocean with the crashing of the waves all around them? They reflected every color off of the sun and the moon. It would shoot rays of colors all through the frozen clear water around them and light up the crashing waves. Some are white and rolling, others loud and angry as the press against the rocks over and over. The simplicity of the Oregon Coast it can take my breath away. It is truly one of the world’s modern marvels with its natural beauty, glistening sunsets, and the sand between your toes. It is my sanctuary. How to cite The Oregon Coast, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Effectiveness of Peace Keeping Yugoslavia and Cambodia Essay Sample free essay sample

Introduction The United Nations peace maintaining mission is a broard phenomenon that encompasses a figure of peace maintaining activities. When the UN started affecting in peace maintaining activities. the operations were chiefly centered around seting UN forces on international boundary lines or cease fire lines with the purpose of maintaining isolated parties in struggle by positioning UN military perceivers or soldiers to play the function of 3rd parties. The whole thought behind this is to convey about a arrest in belligerencies. quiet down tenseness. make the necessary ambiance required for dialogues so that a permanent solution to struggles may be arrived at. However. over clip. at that place have new developments that have pushed frontward the range of UN peace maintaining activities. These developments came with the terminal of the Cold War and the comparative success in the Gulf War during the early 1990s. These developments produced a new universe order in footings of international political relations and this new order was spearheaded by the western powers led by the USA. [ 1 ] This farther broadened the function the UN have to play in keeping peace and stableness. particularly as peace was now regarded in footings of sustainability and measure. Furthermore. the fact that most of the struggles are fought by paramilitary groups and non the national ground forcess. have made civilians the victims. It is this state of affairs that has drawn the attending of the international community to look in to the affair. [ 2 ] Therefore recent developments like these have made UN peace maintaining missions to hold a wider scope of activities to manage. of which failure in any of these activities could intend failure in the peace maintaining operation. Some of these activities include disarming. demobilisation of military personnels and armed paramilitary groups. publicity of national rapprochement. Restoration of effectual authoritiess. organisation and monitoring of elections. proviso of support for human-centered assistance mission. bodyguard of alleviation convoys and the protection of safe countries. [ 3 ] This essay will look at two states where UN peace maintaining missions have been operational with accent on whether the missions were successful or non and the grounds for the success or failure. The impact created by the result of these operations will besides be taken into consideration. The survey will concentrate on the UN peace maintaining mission in the 1990s. The two states that will be discus sed in this paper will be the former Yugoslavia and Cambodia. UN PEACE KEEPING IN FORMER YUGOSLAVIA Background. The Yugoslavian struggle is one of those struggles around the universe where the UN embarked on a peace maintaining mission to assist reconstruct order in the state. The state situated in the Balkans and over 500 old ages. different European powers including Turkey have greatly influenced the political developments taking topographic point in the part. However. the possible posed by a united Serbia and montenegro in the eyes of other European powers and the USA became important in the eruption of struggle in the state. [ 4 ] During the old ages 1991-1992. there was tenseness in the state due to secessionist inclinations that had developed over old ages. As a consequence. the European community got involved in the affair with the hope of at least happening a temporal solution. In the procedure. the Badinter Commission was established to analyze the freshly emerging provinces if they were feasible for independency by European community criterions. Some of the working usher lines for th is committee included commissariats for the protection of the rights of minority groups. [ 5 ] The commission’s study ruled that Slovenia with a big population of Slovenes was feasible for independency while Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia were ruled out. In malice this. coupled with long standing German force per unit area. the USA and the European community went in front to declare their acknowledgment for Croatia and Bosnia Herzegovina. It was this incident that pushed the state in to chaos. In this regard. the European community as it was known at the clip and the USA hold the incrimination for the immediate cause of belligerencies in that part during that period. With the Yugoslavia in pandemonium. European authoritiess and USA blamed Serbia for blockading peace throughout the part. [ 6 ] It was this state of affairs that drew the attending of UN Security Council to keep that Serbia has something to make with the Croatia. This was through the UN Security Council declaration puting up UNPROFOR which amongst other things held â€Å"the United Nations military personn els and constabularies would be deployed in certain countries of Croatia. designated as United Nations Protected Areas ( UNPAs ) ; the UNPAs would be countries in which the Secretary-General judged that particular agreements were required during an interim period †¦ they would be countries in which Serbs constitute the bulk or a significant minority of the population †¦Ã¢â‚¬  . The UN peace maintaining operation in this instance ran abruptly of many facets. Troubles One facet that has received a batch of unfavorable judgments in the UN peace maintaining mission in the former Yugoslavia has been the period when the operation was launched. The UN peace maintaining mission in Yugoslavia arrived some months after struggle erupted in the state. A mission of that nature needed some clip for readyings to be carried out. Equally shortly as struggle erupted. the UN organized a preliminary unit of ammunition of dialogues with the military leadings of the parties involved in the struggle. These dialogues were chaired by Cyrus Vanoe. a senior staff of the UN Secretariat. Even before Vanoe submitted his study there were indicants that there have been a figure of important issues where differences in their reading were already predominating. [ 7 ] A state of affairs like this meant things were traveling to be hard because differences that could non be settled on tabular array could merely be settled at the war forepart. But this state of affairs was ignored w ith the hope that they may vanish while the peace keepers were transporting out their mission. The UN Secretary General even went farther to declare that there were serious possibilities that the mission would neglect and this was based on certain facets amongst them deficiency of cooperation from parties. Besides. the mode in which the UNPROFOR was designed for the mission in former Yugoslavia was non suited for an operation of that quality. Designed as traditional forces. it became clear from the beginning that none of the parties. that is the Croatian or the Karijna Serbs desired to collaborate with the UN forces. For case. the UN protected Areas were neer demilitarized as demanded. the cease fire organized neer achieved its full significance. many people stayed displaced and lawlessness became the order of the twenty-four hours. [ 8 ] Alternatively the UNPAs alternatively helped to make more confusion in the part as these so called protected countries were now functioning as roots for armed incursions in to Bosnia. The Krajina Serbs saw UNPROFOR. as a force that could assist rush up their ain independency. while Croatia saw the UN presence as an a opportunity to mobilise and forcefully take over these UNPAs. [ 9 ] It is hence non surprising that in 1995. Croatia seized three of the four UNPAs and by mid 1995 Croatia taken control of the UNPA Sector to its West. Another country where the peace maintaining mission in Yugoslavia had loop holes was the deficiency of consideration for the developments that had taken topographic point during the period when the Vanoe program was approved in 1991 to the period in February1992. when Secretary General’s study puting up the peace maintaining mission came to being. This once more was the consequence of the speedy deployment of UN peace keepers in the state. These developments had greatly altered some basic characteristics of the Vanoe program yet no considerations were given to modify the original program so that it suits the new worlds. [ 10 ] For case. the peace maintaining mission caput quarters had no 1 on its staff that was present during dialogues. hence there was cipher who knew the places taken by the combatants in the peace maintaining mission office. This was a serious reverse back to the peace maintaining procedure because at the initial stages the UNPROFOR hierarchy found it hard to construe and react right the places the parties had taken. A state of affairs like this meant the peace maintaining procedure was traveling to be complex. [ 11 ] For case Serbian boundaries had been altered comparing to what was in the Vanoe Plan and even extended beyond the boundaries of municipalities. Furthermore. the fact that Serb boundaries had changed beyond what was in the Vanoe made it hard for the peace maintaining mission to win. These countries were now combative countries particularly during the period when the UNPROFOR was seeking to cover with the parties involved I the struggle. The ground for this is that as the war progressed some of these countries were given the position of pink zone under Serbian control. Croatia did non welcome this move and the ground for this is that Croatia and Slovenia had merely been recognized as independent province by the European Community and the USA. [ 12 ] This facet of acknowledgment gave sovereignty to the Croatian boundary lines particularly in the eyes of Croats. It was on these bases that Croatian governments stood on the point that the Krajina Serbs had no base and hence urge UN peacekeepers non to cover with them. Although the Serbs had a point. their place clashed with the Vanoe Plan which held that an interim understanding will steer the deployment of forces in countries considered as UN protected countries until a concluding declaration is taken at the European Community summit on Yugoslavia. All these hard came as a consequence of deficiency of sufficient readying for the mission and the fact there was no representative of the peacekeeping force commanding officers during the early phases of dialogues. Another country of trouble in the UN peace maintaining mission in Yugoslavia came as a consequence f the out interruption of civil war in Bosnia Herzegovina. This civil war was nil but an extra undertaking for the UNPROFOR to manage and this was ulterior term â€Å"mission creep† . This new development pushed the UN Security Council to widen its committedness to the part between June and December 1992. Among these committednesss were deployment in Bosnia-Herzegovina for bodyguard of human-centered assistance convoys ; monitoring of demilitarization of the Prevlaka peninsula ; deployment of perceivers at landing fields and monitoring of the â€Å"no-fly zone† over Bosnia-Herzegovina. control of the Peruca dike ; and preventative deployment in Macedonia. [ 13 ] In fact this state of affairs was a monolithic blow on the peace maintaining mission. First the resources that were needed for this operation were non available or were merely available when the state of affairs they were meant to cover with had wholly changed. In other words most of the declarations for this mission remained on paper in what was considered every bit good drafted declarations. In add-on when the civil war erupted in Bosnia-Herzegovina. the UNPROFOR was still fighting to put up for the mission in Croatia. Furthermore. during the early period of struggle in Bosnia Herzegovina. the UNPROFOR had non been given authorization to carryout peace maintaining mission in the state. [ 14 ] With this sort of complications. the peace maintaining mission in former Yugoslavia was bound to be in existent troubles. As UNPROFOR operations progressed. it shortly became apparent that shared duty between the United Nations and the European Community was an unsatisfactory agreement. to set it really mildly. UNPROFOR’s experience showed that when state of affairss emerged where positive consequences appeared likely. the European Community came on the scene in the hope of pulling recognition. but the minute things went incorrectly. UNPROFOR was left to pick up the pieces ; an art the force bit by bit came to maestro. in so far as enduring the flack catcher directed at it was concerned. In due class. with the instead doubtful agreements that were put in topographic point for Bosnia-Herzegovina. it was inevitable that transcripts of studies. analyses. and recommendations emanating from UNPROFOR central offices began happening their manner to Brussels. some national capitals. and the office of the European Community negotiant. [ 15 ] The irritating and unacceptable portion of this development was that. utilizing such information. efforts were made to get at agreements with the combatants without confer withing UNPROFOR ; in most instances with black consequences. [ 16 ] The death of the UN forces in former Yugoslavia came in May 1995 when Bosnian Serbs retaliated with a series of air work stoppages in response to the bombardment of about half a twelve sand traps where they stored their ammo. This catastrophe pushed universe leaders to the decision that the state of affairs in Bosnia-Herzegovina could non be managed through ordinary peace maintaining. This apprehension sealed the religion of UNPROFOR. As a consequence. the UNPROFOR was instantly withdrawn from the part. Unfortunately. the operations in the former Yugoslavia have been characterized by a grade of symbolism. rhetoric. and lip service for which a heavy monetary value has been paid in footings of human lives and agony as both the UN military personnels and the local population bore most of the effects. As armed traditional groups sent to countries covered by cultural struggles. UN forces became capable to use by challenging parties. For illustration the Bosnian Serbs in one juncture and under the screen of peace maintaining construct to some 370 UN peace keepers surety and were to be used as human shields. In add-on. the UNPROFOR forces neer succeeded to forestall the Bosnia Serbs from perpetrating cultural cleaning and race murder which had become so prevailing during this period. All these conveying one to the decision that the UN peace maintaining mission in Yugoslavia was in the terminal a failure. Cambodia Background. Although the UN peace maintaining mission in Cambodia merely took off in 1992. the state had been in turbulency of all time since the 1970s. Cambodia from 1975 to 1979 was ruled by the Khmer Rouge with Pol Pot as their leader. This Maoist totalitarian government was ill-famed for killing Cambodians. During the period 1975 to 1979. it has been estimated that about one million people lost their lives. [ 17 ] In 1979. Khmer Rouge brought the state in to turmoil following its incursions in to Vietnam. These Khmer Rouge incursions pushed Vietnam to occupy Cambodia. trail the Khmer Rouge up the Mountain ranges to the West of the state. Vietnam so installed a puppet communist authorities under the Cambodian People’s Party ( CPP ) . The Vietnamese invasion in Cambodia pushed the part in to confusion as the CCP proved non any better than the Khmer Rouge. The CCP got involved in a series of atrociousnesss that caused 1000s of Cambodians to fly the state for safe. As a consequence Thailand which was appeared to be the chief finish for those fleeing Cambodians felt threaten. China felt besides felt uncomfortable with Vietnam’s control of Cambodia. Furthermore. merely the Soviet axis recognized the CCP authorities in Vietnam. [ 18 ] This non-recognition of the CCP authorities pushed the Khmer Rouge in to an confederation with some non-communist parties in Cambodia. the monarchist FUNCINPEC party. led by Prince Norodom Sihanouk. and the Kampuchean National Liberation Front ( KPNLF ) . [ 19 ] The move paid off when the confederation managed to procure a place at the UN in 1982. All these helped to transfuse an ambiance of force in Cambodia and it was this state of affairs that attracted the attending of the UN. In revenge to these developments. the UN sponsored a conference in Paris in with the purpose to seek a solution to the Kampuchean struggle. The result was the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia ( UNTAC ) . SUCCESSES AND FAILURES Of UNTAC UNTAC efficaciously excessively up maps in Cambodia in 1992 and this was considered to be a portion of the Paris Agreement. UNTAC was deployed in 1992 as portion of the 1991 Paris Agreements. From the really get downing. UNTAC had a hard mission to carry through in Cambodia. Some of UNTAC’s responsibilities included supervising a armistice among the parties involved. conduct national elections. guarantee proper conditions for the repatriation of refugees and more significantly to see in to it that the power of Kampuchean authorities was used in a just mode before and during the elections. [ 20 ] To carry through this undertaking. 1. 6 billion SU dollars and a 22. 000 adult male expanded peace maintaining force was deployed from March 1992 to September 1993. UNTAC engagement in Cambodia was successful in certain facet particularly repatriating Kampuchean refugees. it rebuilt substructure and conducted a national election. The organisation of national election was possibly UNTAC’s most successful accomplishment in Cambodia. UNTAC was outstanding in its attempts to accomplish a monolithic enrollment of campaigners specifically through its monolithic and countrywide electors enrollment undertaking. UNTAC even went farther to destabilise CPP attempt to kill opposing CPP parliamentary campaigners. These were chiefly campaigners from the FUNCINPEC party. of Prince Norodom Sihanouk. The election remains a bequest to Kampuchean people and their long standing aspiration to hold a democratic province. During the election. more than 90 ­ % of the legible electors cued up to take their leaders is spite chance of possible onslaughts from the Khmer Rouge and the CPP. These elections were won by FUNCINPEC but the CPP remained inexorable and even endanger to throw the state in to a civil war if a portion of power was non handed over. This CPP place was looked in to by the international community under the protections of the USA. They up with the position that instead than allow the state to chaos it would be better to set force per unit area on the FUNCINPEC. who accepted to organize a alliance authorities with the CPP. The CPP was so given the station of 2nd premier curate while the FUNCINPEC kept the station of first premier curate. However. success was non in all facets. One of UNTAC’s really important missions to Cambodia was neer truly achieved. UNTAC found it really hard to oblige parties to to the full stay by the commissariats of the cease-fire understanding. For case. the Khmer Rouge was neer disarmed. and even refused to let UN forces entree in to the countries they controlled. The CCP was besides non wholly disarmed. The CCP even refused to collaborate with the UN to see in to it that there was neutrality in the Kampuchean authorities with respects to bureaucratism during and after the elections that were to be organized. [ 21 ] The ground for this was partially because UNTAC. as a visible radiation armed maintaining force. merely like the instance of UNPROFOR in former Yugoslavia. did non hold what it required that the authorization nor the armaments that could assist force the warring cabals to accept the regulations of the authorization. The consequence was that UNTAC’s achievements began to melt out shortly after it withdrew . Today fraud and corruptness and repression remain an built-in portion of life in Cambodia. Another country where UNTAC remained missing in the Kampuchean operation was in it inability to oversee the authorities of Cambodia particularly in 1992 when it looked like the authorities could collaborate with the UN. This was sad because when UNTAC became ready to take up this challenge. the CPP was no longer ready to collaborate. In malice this UNTAC was still able to look into the CCP in early 1993 with the consequence that a verification was issued keeping the CPP responsible for utilizing the authorities bureaucratism to transfuse force against the resistance and scare the electorate. [ 22 ] In fact the CPP force became so unfastened in 1993 to the extent that the FUNCINPEC threatened to halt it cooperation with UNTAC. In add-on. in early 1994. UNTAC left Cambodia and their going was a cogent evidence of how ephemeral their successes were in the state. For case. the inability of UNTAC’s to wholly demilitarize the Khmer Rouge and the CPP remained an indicant that the backdown of UN peace maintaining could probably co-occur with the eruption of force in the state. In add-on. in the period taking to the elections. the UN did non free forces of the civil disposal and this had serious reverberations. Most of the forces refused to release their places after the election after their party lost the elections. Some merely refused to pay commitment to Prince Ranariddh who became the first Prime Minister. The CPP subsequently used the alliance to construct its political power. isolate FUNCINPEC. and enroll Khmer Rouge members and leaders. The CPP staged a violent putsch in July 1997 that drove Ranariddh out of the state and killed his top Plutos. This action spurred theNew York Timesto aggressively rep robate the Clinton administration’s Cambodia policy in a July 10. 1997 column. From the conceptual point of position. the UNTAC expedition to Cambodia was even far more deficient. To be gin with. the mission placed heavy trust on the apprehension that they would hold high degree cooperation with the parties involved in the struggle. This impression was derived based on the thought that warring cabals normally cooperated with peace maintaining missions judging from earlier traditions. The mission wholly ignored the fact that assorted parts have their distinctive features therefore one can non wholly trust on the experiences of one state of affairs to work out another. This partially explains the point that while UNTAC believed that warring parties would follow. the CPP had a wholly different position of the affair. Alternatively the CPP neer had any purpose to give up power an in the procedure all the CPP did was to thwart UNTAC’s attempts. [ 23 ] The Khmer Rouge seemingly had no purpose of to the full collaborating with UNTAC and this partially explains why it did non take part in the in national elections. Whatever the instance. UNTAC has to gain some credits for the manner it managed this peculiar state of affairs. The point is that UNTAC took to honour a really important and traditional regulation of peace maintaining which hold that peace keepers must avoid the usage of force if parties refuse to esteem peace understandings and UNTAC did merely that. The determination to remain calm prevented the surpluss of Khmer Rouge from transforming in to violence thereby seting UNTAC in the same place as the other Kampuchean battlers. This determination helped to restrict the figure casualties on the side of the peacekeeping forces. UNTAC besides had the foresight to restrict the function of certain peacekeeping military personnels. particularly Americans and Japanese that might arouse warring parties. The 49 American soldiers who served in UNTAC were limited to observer functions in unafraid countries. Japan’s 605 military personnels were restricted to observer mission in peaceable cou ntries and edifice roads. Another conceptual job faced by UNTAC and which appeared to be really important was the intent for the mission. It was non truly clear whether UNTAC’s mission to Cambodia was merely to ease peace. conduct national elections. and quickly withdraw or the other manus whether the mission had a duty to keep a longer-term presence and see through Cambodia’s passage to democracy. [ 24 ] This issue was neer decently looked in to by the UNTAC policy shapers. These policy shapers underestimated the mission and hence they to the full took to the consideration that election will be smooth and the parties will to the full collaborate. In add-on UN functionaries likewise those of President Clinton neer hesitated when it came to rapid backdown no considerations were given for the mode or scheme for issue. In a similar mode UNTAC besides relied to a great extent on the influence of foreigners like China. the United States. France. Thailand. and Indonesia. However this move proved to be a assorted approval particularly as outside power played a typical function in conveying those in difference to the negotiating tabular array. It became clear that if force per unit area was increased on the CPP. Russia was Russia would respond. UNTAC’s disconnected backdown in late 1993 was influenced by the Clinton disposal. which knew that the force was fall ining and viewed the possible failure of such a big and expensive peacekeeping mission as a public dealingss catastrophe that would destine its ambitious UN-based foreign policy. Therefore. elections were held despite the fact that UNTAC had non met most of its authorization. It was so rapidly withdrawn to give the UN and the United States the chance to declare triumph before pandemonium returned. This was an unfortunate policy determination. since there was a opportunity that if UNTAC remained through 1994 it might hold been able to complete what it started and increased the chances for democratic authorities. This was a mistake Clinton functionaries tried non to do several old ages subsequently when they helped plan what are basically occupation forces to turn to civil and cultural crises in Bosnia. Kosovo. and East Timor. Administrative and concatenation of bid jobs besides plagued UNTAC. sabotaging its effectivity and repute. UNTAC was the most expensive and most ambitious operation the UN of all time attempted. It had no coherent program to pull off such a big project. The UN peace maintaining mission in Cambodia besides suffered a series of bid jobs even though these did non ensue to any incidents. The ground for no casualties in malice this lack was because of the determination by warring cabals to avoid confrontations with UN peace keepers. However. Gallic and Dutch military personnels in certain occasions went beyond their instructions and used force against the Khmer Rouge while France on many juncture refused to deploy its forces as instructed by UNTAC. All these came as a consequence of the concatenation of bid jobs UNTAC suffered in the class of the mission. Finally. condemnable activity by UNTAC military personnels. particularly black marketeering and harlotry. tinted UNTAC and the UN’s repute in the eyes of the international community. UNTAC military personnels who had been sponsoring cocottes introduced AIDS to remote countries of Cambodia. Some UNTAC military personnels operated whorehouses and chancing halls. In decision. UNTAC did better than some expanded peacekeeping missions. It brought peace to Cambodia for a clip. helped refugees and displaced individuals return. and created more stable conditions that saved lives. The major error made by UNTAC contrivers was undervaluing the undertaking at manus. If UNTAC contrivers had a better construct of the political state of affairs in Cambodia and a more realistic position of how to construct democracy. this $ 1 billion–plus expanded peacekeeping attempt might hold left a fledgling democracy in its topographic point alternatively of a corrupt autarchy that stays in power by terrorising the population and its political oppositions. [ 25 ] Cambodia in recent times has been credited for being more peaceable than was the instance before the intercession of the UN in 1992. Prince Ranariddh. the former first Prime Minister of the CPP/FUNCINPEC alliance who was overthrown in a military putsch agreed to return to the state and countryside upset is said to hold reduced enormously. However. behind the drapes Kampuchean political relations remain the same as the CCP leader Hun Sen remains a autocrat and his party dominates about all facets of political relations in the state. [ 26 ] This is because the party remains comparatively united in comparing with the other parties. Furthermore. the CPP is ready to take what of all time major it takes to maintain the FUNCINPEC its chief opposing under control. In the same way. FUNCINPEC has lost much of the strength and influence it one time enjoyed during the 1990s as a consequence of internal combat. However. the biggest factor that undermined FUNCINPEC was the implosion of the Khmer Rouge. which had been working as its military arm. Without the Khmer Rouge military menace. FUNCINPEC was much easier for the CPP to force around. [ 27 ] The present state of affairs is non what was expected by the international community when it took to acquire involved in the struggle. However. it remains apparent that the scheme employed by the CPP in the late 1990s has been remained attached to the fact that the Clinton disposal did non cover with certain CPP mischievousness that would hold helped to warrant the success UNTAC operations in Cambodia. [ 28 ] In 1998. the first national elections were held since UNTAC’s backdown. The elections. in which the CPP won. were conducted wholly by CPP forces and were widely condemned in the Western media. Former UNTAC Commander John Sanderson and Michael Maley. an UNTAC functionary who helped form the 1993 elections. contended in a damning article that the 1998 elections were non free and just and that Cambodia is basically an autocratic province where the destiny of the state remains in the custodies of the CCP. It has been a hard undertaking to depict this week’s military ejector of Cambodia’s First Prime Minister. Norodom Ranariddh. by his alliance spouse and longtime challenger. Second Prime Minister Hun Sen. Simply naming it a putsch would convey an automatic suspension of American assistance to the state. The Clinton Administration feared such instant detachment would cut down instead than increase United States purchase. Whatever the instance the ictus of power by Mr. Hun Sen’s bloody putsch is has proved to be a immense set back to democracy and a misdemeanor of the 1991 Paris understanding that ended the Kampuchean civil war. Most of all. it is a catastrophe for Cambodia. From the above one realizes that the UN peace maintaining mission in former Yugoslavia was a failure in many facets. Comparing this to the Kampuchean instance it becomes apparent that there was some grade of success sing that the mission in Cambodia at least succeeded to form elections and put in a democratic authorities before go forthing the state. Beginnings Thakur. Ramesh.United Nations Peacekeeping Operationss: Ad Hoc Missions. Permanent Engagement.United Nations University Press: New York. 2001. Fleitz. Frederick H. Jr. .Peacekeeping Fiascoes of the ninetiess: Causes. Solutions. and U. S. Interests. Praeger: Westport. 2002. David. Charters A. ( ed. ) . Peacekeepingand the Challenge of Conflict Resolution.New Brunswick: University of New Brunswick. 1994. Donald. Daniel C. F.U. S. Perspectives on Peacekeeping: Puting PDD-25 in Context. Strategic Research Department. Research Memorandum 3-94. Newport. Rhode island: U. S. Naval War College. 1994. [ 1 ] Ramesh Thakur. United Nations Peacekeeping Operationss: Ad Hoc Missions. Permanent Engagement. ( United Nations University Press: New York. 2001 ) . P. 165 [ 8 ] Frederick H. Fleitz Jr. .Peacekeeping Fiascoes of the ninetiess: Causes. Solutions. and U. S. Interests. ( Praeger: Westport. 2002 ) . P. 129. [ 10 ] Charters. David A. ( ed. ) . Peacekeepingand the Challenge of Conflict Resolution. ( New Brunswick: University of New Brunswick. 1994 ) . 81. [ 11 ] Thakur. United Nations Peace Keeping Operations. 170 [ 14 ] David. Peacekeepingand the Challenge of Conflict Resolution. 86. [ 17 ] Fleitz.Peacekeeping Fiascoes. 125. [ 20 ] Frederick H. Fleitz Jr. .Peacekeeping Fiascoes of the ninetiess: Causes. Solution. 125 [ 25 ] Daniel. Donald C. F.U. S. Perspectives on Peacekeeping: Puting PDD-25 in Context. Strategic Research Department. Research Memorandum 3-94. Newport. Rhode island: U. S. Naval War College. 1994. P. 62. [ 27 ] Fleitz. Peace Keeping Fiascos. 127.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Political Interference in Texas Judicial System

The American judiciary system has two systems, which are federal and state courts systems. The difference between federal and county court system is powers allocated for each. Federal courts formation is under constitutional mandate of federal government judiciary. Meanwhile, the state court systems formation is under judiciary chapter of state government constitutions. State government judiciary undertake judicial responsibility not allocated to federal judiciary system under federal constitution.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Political Interference in Texas’ Judicial System specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Federal court system consists of U.S. district courts, U.S. circuit courts of appeal, U.S. court of appeal, U.S. court of claims and U.S. court of international trade. Texas court system consists of a number of courts including, courts of limited jurisdiction, county courts, courts of general jurisdi ction, intermediate court of appeals and highest appellate courts that are Texas Supreme Court and Texas Court of criminal appeals. They are three main models of choice of judges, which are merit choice, appointment and choice. Merit choice approach to judge choice development was in 1913 initially, but adoption was until 1940, Missouri. Election of judges under merit choice lacks political interference unlike other modes of choice. In appointment choice, governors politically appoint judges to their given jurisdiction vacancies. In judge choice through election, judge’s choice is by popular vote. With exception of municipal courts, the Texas courts of limited jurisdiction, county courts, courts of general jurisdiction, intermediate and highest appellate courts carry out partisan elections to choose judges. In partisan choice, judge choice is by ability to fundraise highest for their party within their jurisdiction level. In addition to this, their party uptake in the state a ssembly will decide their eventual choice. These affect judiciary in a two-prong way that is judicial candidates have to align with a particular party and secondly, they have to seek funds from special interest groups and business people. The question that arises is whether the judges will remain judicial independent when they face cases from parties, or people who contributed to their campaign. Secondly, judges who provide quality judgments laden with experience miss selection in favor of higher party contributors. The result of partisan choice of Texas State judiciary is a public perception of it being pro-money, in the market for highest bidders. An additional view is that of Texas judiciary being pro-plaintiff awarding favorable judgments to plaintiff contributors of the judiciary. Citizens’ trust and confidence in Texas State courts is at a low due to these anomalies that partisan choice creates in the judicial system. Political influence in Texas judicial system is a c ause of alarm. Among spirited campaigners against partisan election, include former Texas State Supreme Court Chief Justice Phillips who frowned upon the effect of campaign money in partisan judicial elections, Texas. Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The American Bar Association (ABA) acting on findings of its Task Force on Lawyers Political Contributions altered its model ethics code. It set contribution limits, initiated judge campaign disclosures standards and proposed judge self-disqualification from hearing cases of judge campaign participants. It further declared its commitment to the merit election of judges. Enjoining in the fray are community welfare groups. U.S. citizens residing in Texas will not enjoy their full legal benefits if partisan election of judges does not change to merit selection. It also goes against a basic right of the constitution, which provides for right of a fair hearing before a neutral judge. This essay on Political Interference in Texas’ Judicial System was written and submitted by user Leilani Pennington to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Lab Report- Neurophysiology of Nerve Impulses Essays

Lab Report- Neurophysiology of Nerve Impulses Essays Lab Report- Neurophysiology of Nerve Impulses Paper Lab Report- Neurophysiology of Nerve Impulses Paper Neurons (also known as neurons, nerve cells and nerve fibers) are electrically excitable and the most important cells in the nervous system that functions to process and transmit information. Neurons have a large number of extensions called dendrites. They often look likes branches or spikes extending out from the cell body. It is primarily the surfaces of the dendrites that receive chemical messages from other neurons. One extension is different from all the others, and is called the axon. Although in some neurons, it is hard to distinguish from the entries, in others it is easily distinguished by its length. The purpose of the axon is to transmit an electro-chemical signal to other neurons, sometimes over a considerable distance. Longer axons are usually covered with a myelin sheath, a series of fatty cells which have wrapped around an axon many times. They serve a similar function as the insulation around electrical wire. At the very end of the axon is the axon ending. It is there that the electro-chemical signal that has traveled the length of the axon is converted into a chemical message that travels to the next neuron. (Dry. C. George Before, 2009). Axons are what make up nerves. A nerve is a bundle of neurons fibers or processes wrapped in connective tissue that extends to and/or from the CONS and visceral organs or structures of the body periphery (Marine Mitchell, 2009). In this experiment we will work with a nerve The action potential we will see on this experiment reflects the cumulative action potentials of all the neurons in the nerve, called a compound nerve action potential. Although an action potential follows the all-or none law within a single neuron, it does not necessarily follows the all-or-none law within an entire nerve. When you electrically stimulate a nerve at a given voltage, the stimulus may result in deportation of most of the neurons but not necessarily all of them. To achieve deportation of all of the neurons, a higher stimulus voltage may be needed ( Marine Mitchell, 2009). Seaplanes in the body all begin with the resting membrane potential. This is the natural state of a nerve before it is presented with a stimulus (Martini, Nathan Bartholomew, 2012). Resting membrane potential is important because it is necessary in order for a synapse to occur (Marine Mitchell, 2009). This resting Tate stands at -map because of three factors. First the ionic composition of the extracurricular and intracellular fluid varies in their charge. The Extracurricular fluid has a negative charge because of the An+ ion that exist, just as the intracellular fluid has a negative charge because of K+ ions and negatively charged proteins (Martini, Nathan Bartholomew, 2012). Second the cells have an uneven distribution because of the existence of sodium and potassium leak channels. This allows the creation of an electrochemical gradient, which ultimately is the force that guides the conduction of an action potential. The electrochemical gradient is created by sodium-potassium pump which is responsible for exchanging 3 An+ ions out while bringing in 2 K+ ions (Martini, Nathan Bartholomew, 2012). Third, the resting membrane potential varies in permeability based on the type of ion. Membranes are more easily permeable by K+ ions because of their size, which is responsible for the negative charge during the resting state (Martini, Nathan Bartholomew, 2012) Without a resting potential, we would not have a threshold to conduct an action potential. When a stimulus is presented, it requires a certain excitability, or popularization level of at least map to map (Martini, Nathan Bartholomew, 2012). The action potential depends on the threshold stimulus because of the all or none principle. This states that if a stimulus does not break the required threshold level, no action potential will occur (Martini, Nathan Bartholomew, 2012). However, if a threshold does uphold this principle, an action potential is created and a synapse begins. When membrane is exposed to a certain chemical, its response is either excited or inhibited. When a membrane is excited deportation begins. When the membrane depilatories the resting membrane potential of -70 NV becomes less negative. When the membrane potential reaches 0 NV, indicating there is no charge difference across the membrane. The sodium ion channels start to close and potassium ion channels open. By the time the sodium ion channels finally close. The membrane potential has reached +35 NV. The opening of the potassium channels allows K+ to flow out of the cell down its electrochemical gradient ( ion of like charge are repelled from each other). The flow of K+ out of the cell causes the membrane potential to move in a negative direction. This is preferred to as revitalization. ( Marine Mitchell, 2009). As the transmigrate potential comes back down towards its resting potential level and the potassium channels begins to close, the transmittance potential level goes just below -map, causing a brief period of hyperventilation (Martini, Nathan Bartholomew, 2012). Finally, as the potassium channels close, the membrane turns back to its resting potential until it is excited or inhibited again. In this experiment we will be dealing with two chemicals that intend to inhibit a nerve impulse. Curare is a toxic substance that interferes with the neural remission between motor neurons and skeletal muscles. Curare competes with acetylenes -or Ach- for receptors on muscle cells. Acetylenes is a chemical messenger that normally transmits nerve impulses and activates muscles receptors. Schaeffer, 2010). Loading is a chemical substance that inhibits the transmission of nerve impulses by blocking An ion flux across nerve membranes. In other words Loading is a local anesthetic that blocks voltage- gated An channels at low concentrations, it would make it harder to reach the threshold for firing action potential at high concentrations, and it would stop the action potential entirely. Materials/ Methods This experiment was conducted using the lab manual Human Anatomy Physiology by Marine Mitchell, 2009. Exercisers neurophysiology of Nerve Impulses on Physiology 8. 0 page 131 The activities that were used in this exercise were o Activity 6- testing the Effects of curare page 131 o Activity 7- Testing the Effects of Loading page 131 Results Effects of Curare versus Loading on a Nerve Voltage (NV)Action Potential Notes Curare 2. 0 NV Inaction potential begins at 3. NV Amplitude increases by very little and remains constant soon after. 3. 0 NV Yes 4. NV yes Loading 2. 0 NV No No action potential is recognized 3. NV No 4. NV No Using a frog nerve, two inhibitory chemicals were place onto the nerve to determine what inhibitory properties were seen after stimulating at the threshold voltage for this nerve. Discussion To have a better understanding of the respond to a stimulus and action potential of a nerve (In this case a frog sciatic nerve) we executed this experiment, and realized that numerous physical and chemical factors can impair the ability of a nerve to function. On the first exp eriment we used Curare that at 3. NV created an action attention on the nerve. At the neuromuscular junction, the action potential occurs in the presentation motor neuron, which releases acetylenes during an action potential. Synapses is a junction between two neurons. The presentation neuron terminal is the one that releases a neurotransmitter in response to an action potential. The posthypnotic neuron is the one that receives the neurotransmitter and may undergo an action potential (and become a presentation to the next nerve cell) if the neurotransmitters stimulate the cell enough. When curare is present, it will block acetylenes from binding to its acceptors on the muscle fiber, in turn stopping the muscle from contracting. They key point is that this effect is exclusively post synaptic. The presentation neuron still fires the identical action potential with or without the drug, it still release neurotransmitter. When curare is present, only the downstream effect is blocked. Loading showed success by having an inhibitory effect on a nerve impulse. With a range of electrical voltages from 2. NV to 4. 0 NV, no action potential was shown. This is what an inhibitory chemical intends to do inhibit any response by binding to the axon terminals of the presentation neuron. Specifically, it blocks the voltage-gated sodium channels that allow the influx of sodium when the nerve reaches the threshold voltage thus preventing an action potential. No action potential means no nerve impulse. A nerve must be stimulated and that stimulation must meet or exceed the threshold le vel required for activity to follow. Then as an impulse occurs, such as the nerve with loading being stimulated there must be either a period of inhibition or excitement that causes the membranes permeability to change. If a stimulation was intended to be excitatory the process of generating an action potential would occur, followed by revitalization and hyperventilation. However, in inhibitory responses, the goal is to see no action potential. If the intention is to prevent a stimulus from occurring, creating an action potential is not desired. It is important to understand the properties of substances such as these to better understand their intended effect. In order for them to be used properly one must know what intention of these substances to then provide a proper use for them. For example, one WOUld not propose to administer loading to someone who has regular heart function, because that would suppress their art levels below the threshold level. In conclusion nerve impulses all begin with a stimulus that either causes excitement or inhibition from a certain stimulus (Marine MitcheIl, 2009). If a nerve is excited the process of creating an action potential follows in order to achieve a chemical synapse. In other words, when a nerve is stimulated certain messages able to be transported in and out of the cell. However, in an inhibitory response such as the one witnessed with loading. This experiment determined the difference in excitatory versus inhibitory stimuli in a nerve. It allowed us to visualize the synaptic activity occurring based on a certain chemical which allows us to better understand the effects certain substances have on nerves.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Content Marketing For Highly Regulated Industries

Content Marketing For Highly Regulated Industries Say you work for an ad agency and one of your clients is an e-retailer that sells over 30,000 products. It should be a dream come true for a content marketer, right? With 30,000 options, you have a nearly endless supply of features and benefits, challenges and solutions, lifestyles and demographics to target. A Must Read: The Content Marketing Guide For Highly Regulated Industries via @Now, let’s pretend that for all of those 30,000 products, you can’t actually tell anyone what they’re good for. Instead, all you can do is list out the ingredients and cross your fingers that your customers can figure it out for themselves.   This is the reality the nutraceutical industry lives in, the world of content marketing in a highly regulated industry. And they aren’t alone.    There are several industries you may end up working with that face tough challenges when it comes to how they can market their products to consumers: Alcohol Spirits â€Å"Digital marketing communications should be placed only in media where at least 71.6% of the audience is reasonably expected to be of the legal purchase age,† according to discus.org, the national trade association for distilled spirits in the US. So†¦ beware not only what you say, but where you say it. Healthcare providers Prior to â€Å"Bates v. State Bar of Arizona† in 1977, hospitals and healthcare providers essentially didn’t do any marketing at all. Now that they do, they â€Å"risk their reputation, their license and their livelihood if their marketing efforts run afoul of the maze of local, state or federal laws and regulations.† healthcaresuccess.com Pharmaceutical companies There are so many potential pitfalls here that â€Å"Every major company †¦ has either settled recent government cases, under the False Claims Act, †¦ or is currently under investigation for possible health care fraud,† according to the Wikipedia entry on pharmaceutical marketing The marketing rules and guidelines will vary industry to industry. But when you’re limited in what you can say, where you can say it and to whom you can say it, the driving question is the same for all What’s A Product Without Benefits? â€Å"One of the most repeated rules of writing compelling copy is to stress benefits, not features,† writes Brian Clark of Copyblogger. â€Å"In other words, identify the underlying benefit that each feature of a product or service provides to the prospect, because that’s what will prompt the purchase. This is one rule that always applies, except when it doesn’t.† One of the most repeated rules of writing compelling copy is to stress benefits, not features.   This is one rule that always applies,  except when it doesn’t. – Brian Clark of Copyblogger Our friends at the nutracuetical company fall into that â€Å"except when it doesn’t† category. They know the underlying benefit of taking extra vitamin C is reducing the duration of the common cold, but they can’t say that due to the regulations in place for their industry.   Ad agencies that work with pharmaceutical companies face a similar content challenge. They get to promote their products’ benefits, but they’re also required to rattle off all the potential side-effects (which often exceed the list of benefits). It’s that whole truth in advertising thing. If you’re a distiller of fine spirits, the â€Å"What’s a product without benefits?† question directly applies, as the implied benefit of pouring a glass of Scotch is to take the edge off, relax and alter your mood. At their core, these are implied health claims, which are off limits. And in most cases, the standard closing of â€Å"always drink responsibly† seems to directly compete with the fun-loving message from the rest of the ad.   So with all these rules and roadblocks, what should content marketers do in a heavily regulated industry? Well†¦ you must get creative. And study up. 3 Content Marketing Tips For Highly Regulated Industries

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Are criminals born or made Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Are criminals born or made - Essay Example 47 - 48). Considering the question â€Å"are criminals born or made?†, I personally take the side that criminals are not born but made. In the process of convincing the readers that criminals are made rather than born, a wide range of research evidences will be presented in this study. In the process of going through the main discussion, this study will discuss and examine the relationship between race and criminal activities throughout the United Kingdom. To strengthen the argument that criminals are made and not born, some gathered past and recent facts and figures which are significantly relevant in suggesting a strong relationship between race and crime will be provided in details. Criminals are made not born. This argument can be noted in response to the socio-economic difficulty that takes place over the past few years. As a result of high unemployment rate, the economic recession that took place recently has led to an increase in the number of violent crime and burglaries throughout the United Kingdom. Criminal activities are referring to any forms of act which are illegal and could either directly or indirectly cause physical, mental, or emotional harm aside from the possibility of incurring financial and property loses towards another person. Among the type of criminal cases that occurs in the United Kingdom includes: violence, sexual offences, robbery, burglary, theft and handling, fraud and forgery, drug offences, and motoring offences among others (Jones & Singer, 2008, p.94). Many people have the wrong connotation that criminal behaviour is hereditary such that people who belong to either the black population and/or the other minority groups have more courage to actively participate in notorious gangs that are prone to committing different types of criminal activities ranging from simple vandalism of public property and thieves up to a certain degree wherein they commit violent crimes related to murder

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Discuss Max Weber's concept of ideal types in political authority, Essay

Discuss Max Weber's concept of ideal types in political authority, with reference to real world examples - Essay Example Blau, P. (p.308) identifies the bases of authority of Weber. Blau said Weber believes that traditional authority is legitimized by the sanctity of religion. As such, it is viewed as something â€Å"sacred, eternal and inviolable†. The position of the leader is achieved through heredity and is believed to be designed to rule over the rest. By this, the people are bound to follow the leader by tradition of loyalty, personal dependence and sacred beliefs on the divine rights of the kings. The work of Henry, K (n.d.) collaborates with Blau in that traditional authority is established as a rule and the right to statute does not change over time. It has been socially accepted and considered as a â€Å"status quo†. As such, change of political authority is impractical. Weber states â€Å"The creation of new law opposite traditional norms is deemed impossible in principle.† In this instance, Weber considers traditional authority as being based on patriotism and feudalism. Weber regards patriarchal structure as â€Å"the servants are completely and personally dependent upon the lord†, while in an estate system (i.e. feudalism), â€Å"the servants are not personal servants of the lord but independent men† (Weber 1958, 4 cited by Henry, K.). Political Dictionary defines a patriarchal structure as a society wherein â€Å"authority was divine, descended from Adam through the kings of Israel to modern kings†. The word is also associated by fem inists who debate on the practice of giving priority to men over women. Henry, K. gathers from Weber, a description of legitimacy of authority in traditional way is based on custom handed down from the past to present, which often times is a dictatorial process. It is accepted by subordinates and is not challenged by the individuals. This type of authority is found in spiritual, sacred religious forms, a well established culture, and family, tribal or clan type structures. Weber

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Ozone layer depletion Essay Example for Free

Ozone layer depletion Essay The increased cancer levels caused by exposure to this ultraviolet light could be enormous. Recent studies estimates that 60 million Americans born by the year 2075 will get skin cancer because of ozone depletion. About one million of these people will die. In addition to cancer, some research shows that a decreased ozone layer will increase rates of malaria and other infectious diseases. According to recent studies 17 million more cases of cataracts can also be expected. . The environment will also be negatively affected by ozone depletion. The life cycles of plants will change, disrupting the food chain. Effects on animals will also be severe, and are very difficult to foresee. Oceans will be hit hard as well. The most basic organisms such as plankton may not be able to survive. If that happened, it would mean that all of the other animals that are above plankton in the food chain would also die out. Other ecosystems such as forests and deserts will also be harmed. The planets climate could also be affected by depletion of the ozone layer. Wind patterns could change, resulting in climatic changes throughout the world. Global warming is the continuing rise in the average temperature of Earths atmosphere and oceans. Global warming is caused by increased concentrations of green house gases in the atmosphere, resulting from human activities such as deforestation and burning of fossil fuels. Some of the effects of global warming and climate change on the environment include the folloing

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The General Prologue - The Canterbury Tales Essay -- English Literatur

The General Prologue - The Canterbury Tales The General Prologue The most popular part of the Canterbury Tales is the General Prologue, which has long been admired for the lively, individualized portraits it offers. More recent criticism has reacted against this approach, claiming that the portraits are indicative of social types, part of a tradition of social satire, "estates satire", and insisting that they should not be read as individualized character portraits like those in a novel. Yet it is sure that Chaucer's capacity of human sympathy, like Shakespeare's, enabled him to go beyond the conventions of his time and create images of individualized human subjects that have been found not merely credible but endearing in every period from his own until now. It is the General Prologue that serves to establish firmly the framework for the entire story-collection: the pilgrimage that risks being turned into a tale-telling competition. The title "General Prologue" is a modern invention, although a few manuscripts call it prologus. There are very few major textual differences between the various manuscripts. The structure of the General Prologue is a simple one. After an elaborate introduction in lines 1 - 34, the narrator begins the series of portraits (lines 35 - 719). These are followed by a report of the Host's suggestion of a tale-telling contest and its acceptance (lines 720 - 821). On the following morning the pilgrims assemble and it is decided that the Knight shall tell the first tale (lines 822 - 858). Nothing indicates when Chaucer began to compose the General Prologue and there are no variations between manuscripts that might suggest that he revised it after making an initial version. It... ...ed if he does not put people in the order of their social rank, "My wit is short, ye may well understand." This persona continues to profess the utter naivety that we have already noted in his uncritical descriptions of the pilgrims. It is in this way, too, that we should approach the conclusion of the Prologue. Here the Host of the Tabard Inn (Harry Bailey, a historical figure) decides to go with them and ironically it is he, not Chaucer, who proposes the story-telling contest that gives the framework of the Tales. He will also be the ultimate judge of which is the best: "of best sentence and most solas." He is, after all, well prepared by his job to know about the tales people tell! One model for the literary competition would seem to be the meetings of people interested in poetry, known in French as puys, with which Chaucer would have been familiar.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Can Aung San Suu Kyi Really Change Myanmar

Can Aung San Suu Kyi really change Myanmar? The 1991 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Miss Aung San Suu Kyi graduated from the Oxford University, B. A. in philosophy, politics and economics at St. Hugh’s College in 1967 (The Nobel Prize in Peace 1991, 2010). On the 27 May 1990, her party, the National League Democracy (NLD) won 392 out of the 492 seats (Burmese General Election, 1990, 2010). Despite her popularity with the citizens in Myanmar, the military disregards the result of that election.After two decades, the Burmese general election, 2010 will be held on the 7 November and once again the spot light is brought back to the political stage of Myanmar ever since 1990. A question that has always revolved around Aung San Suu Kyi is – can Aung San Suu Kyi really change Myanmar? From my point of view, Miss Aung San Suu Kyi may not really be able change Myanmar. She can change the current situation of Myanmar however not completely; especially in a country that has gone throug h six different political transformations in the last half-century. Firstly, Miss Aung San Suu Kyi is inexperienced and â€Å"new† to Myanmar.Although she was born in Myanmar and had received education there, during the years when Myanmar fell into military dictatorship, 1962, she was studying in a high school in Lady Shri Ram College in New Delhi, 1960 – 1964 (The Nobel Prize in Peace 1991, 2010). She had spent most of her adulthood and received education aboard. Even though she visited her mother annually and had been in Mynmar since 1988, most of the time she is kept under house arrest. One of her quote was â€Å"I saw many aspects of the country which I needed to see in order that I might know what we need to do† (Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Quotes, 1997).Despite so, much of her time is spent serving her house arrest terms. Although she had spent much of her time reading about philosphy, politics and many more books but what she had is mere knowledge she had gained from reading in order to lead a country, experience would be a vital contribution to the people. Miss Aung San Suu Kyi had received most of her education in the western and had worked for the United Nation (UN) for two years. She wrote and did researches for biography of her father (The Nobel Prize in Peace 1991, 2010). In one of her speech she mentioned that â€Å"People have been saying I know nothing of Burmese politics.The trouble is, I know too much. †(Wallechinsky, 1997). It could be true that Aung San Suu Kyi know a lot about Myanmar however some of the decisions she made had shown her inexperience as a leader. An example that show that her inexperienced would be the issue on Myanmar tourisim. There was a report in an August 2008 in which the World Travel and Tourism Council estimated that tourism provides about 5. 8% of Myanmar’s job. All these could had been more if not of Aung San Suu Kyi who asked the travellers to â€Å"visit us later, in 1995 and in 2002 she told the BBC that the NLD stand on tourism â€Å"has not changed† (Myanmar, Should you go, 2009).A report in 2007 from Tourism Concern stated that, many Aung San Suu Kyi supports the boycott â€Å"unless we hear otherwise† from her. It is noted that, one of the British former ambassador to Myanmar, Derek Tonkin calls Aung San Suu Kyi ‘an idealist unable to compromise with the rough reality of Southeast Asian politcs’ (Myanmar, Should you go, 2009). By boycotting the tourisim, it is not the Myanmar government that suffer but the civilains that suffer. The government are not affected since they gets their income from trade of gems, timber, textiles and oil and gas.The tourism sector employs 300,000, not including grassroots business. Creating jobs and incomes for the Burmese, is the way that can really benefit the population. Secondly, despite the overwhelming supports from the citizens in Myanmar, she does not have any supporters from the military. Mya nmar has been under the military rule for 48 years. Even though the people would like to abolish the current military junta, they still need the power of the military and the police to control the stability of the country.When the country starts to reform, it may result in some instability, if Miss Aung Sun Suu Kyi does not have the support and the power to control the military, the country would be in chaos which may lead to undesirable consequences. Most of Miss Aung San Suu Kyi’s influential supporters are from the western countries but the local military junta are not in good terms with the westerners. Without the support of local power, many political goals cannot be achieved. Thirdly, most of her speeches revolve around social reform and few talks about what are their plans for the future.Right now what the people in Myanmar really need is social reforms however; soon other problems would start to surface such as economic factors, the need of jobs will eventually increa se and more. A type of publication that Miss Suu Kyi uses was whenever she is interacting with the media, she would never forget to ask other countries for support – â€Å"please use your liberty to promote ours† (Aung San Suu Kyi, 2010). Currently, she has supporters from all over the world. It is to be believed that if she were to gain presidency of the country, aids will be provided to help her built Myanmar.Yet the sanction that has been in placed on Myanmar has contributed to the sufferings of the citizens. Therefore I strongly feel that it is not way to gain attention that can help Myanmar gain democracy, if it is, it would had worked. The situation in Myanmar is not as simple as what the westerns think to why the military junta had rejected the aids for the May 2008 cyclone. One way to interpret why the military government rejected the aids would be â€Å"The Myanmar’s government †¦ fear of American invasion and the fragile pride of its top official s† (Aung San Suu Kyi, 2010).The western countries often regarded as superior, had sometimes unintentional showed disrespect to the third world countries by not understanding enough of a country’s culture. Hence disregarded the feeling of the citizen of the country they provide help with. Therefore, it is no wonder sometimes the Military junta unwelcome the aids from the westerns. For the upcoming election on the 7 November 2010, Miss Aung San Suu Kyi has decided to boycott the election. Some senior members from the NLD have formed the National Democratic Force (NDF) to contest the election† (Burmese General Election, 1990, 2010) as they claimed that a boycott would play into the hands of the government. The phenomenal of this is that, the members of the NLD has starts to showdoubts in the decision Miss Aung San Suu Kyi made and therfore they left the NLD to form a new party the NDF. This may indicate that her popularity is decreasing, though in a slow rate, as she passes her years under the house arrest. In conclusion, I really admire Miss Aung San Suu Kyi’s courage and what she had been trying to do.Despite being kept under house arrest for two decades, she is still determined to change Myanmar in a way she believes in. Also if it had not been her, the citizens of Myanmar would not have tried to fight for their freedoms and rights. However no matter how determined she is, the military junta will, by all means try to get her out of their way. An example would be her endless loop of house arrest which will cause her to miss the election that is coming up on the 7 November. Moreover the non-violence demonstration had been going on for decades and nothing had really changes ever since they started.If her focus is just on social reform, it can work on a short term basis but not in the long run. Moreover, she is losing support from her own party as she is being too idealistic. She has ideas in mind but has not done anything to realise them . Therefore, I think that, Miss Aung San Suu Kyi may not be able to really change Myanmar.Reference Aung San Suu Kyi. (2010, August 15). Retrieved August 31, 2010, from Wikipedia: http://en. wikiquote. org/wiki/Aung_San_Suu_Kyi Burmese General Election, 1990. (2010, August 28). Retrieved August 30, 2010, from Wikipedia: http://en. wikipedia. rg/wiki/Burmese_general_election,_1990 Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Quotes. (1997, January 19). Retrieved August 2010, 31, from Brainy Quote: http://www. brainyquote. com/quotes/authors/d/daw_aung_san_suu_kyi. html The Nobel Prize in Peace 1991. (2010, August 30). Retrieved August 30, 2010, from Nobel Prize: http://nobelprize. org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1991/kyi-bio. html# Wallechinsky, D. (1997, January 19). The Voice of Her People: Aung San Suu Kyi. Retrieved August 31, 2010, from Parade: http://www. parade. com/articles/editions/1997/edition_01-19-1997/aung-san-suu-kyi. html? index=2

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Juvenile Crime Paper Essay

The amount of crime that is committed by juveniles in our country is astonishing. This crime is on the rise in many cities across our nation because we see news reports often concerning juveniles. The reasons behind this crime may be sociocultural or even biological. As a nation, we need to enforce ways to keep our youth from turning to a life filled with crime and ultimately, a life inside the correctional system. There are programs, but the final decisions lies within the juvenile himself. Our nation has several court systems. In the juvenile court system, one will find that there are some similarities with the adult court system. There are differences between the juvenile and the adult court systems also. One specific difference between these two courts is one’s constitutional rights. In a court which judges adults, these adults have the constitutional right to have his or her case heard and tried by a judge or a jury of his or her peers. In juvenile court, the judge makes all of the decisions. The judge decides whether or not the juvenile has broken the law and whether or not the juvenile is guilty. Another difference concerns sentencing. When a judge in juvenile court is sentencing a juvenile, he takes into consideration that juvenile’s history and behavior. The judge may ask the parent, teacher or employer to speak concerning the juvenile’s behavior before sentencing. The main goal of the juvenile court is not to incarcerate the juvenile, but to deter him from crime and to rehabilitate him rather than punish him. Sometimes when an adult commits his first crime or a petty crime, he is â€Å"let off the hook† or given probation or even a short jail sentence. In the juvenile system, they are usually ordered or sentences to attend a juvenile facility, counseling, house arrest with electronic devices or boot camp. Juveniles are not offered bail as adult offenders are offered. Juveniles are sometimes turned over to their parents. In the adult system, bail can be requested. Even if the bail is denied, the adult offender is allowed to ask for bail. Juveniles do not have this advantage. These teenagers or juveniles who often times get into trouble are labeled as juvenile delinquents. A juvenile delinquent is a minor that fails to do what the law of duty requires (Schmalleger, 2011). This person is under the age of eighteen and has been found guilty by law of committing a crime. This is regarded by state law that the minor is lacing responsibility and because of this, he cannot be sentenced as an adult, but only as a juvenile. Crimes such as breaking curfew, offenses at school, drinking and graffiti are crimes that juveniles are normally charged with. These crimes are sometimes more of an annoyance than they are crimes. Juveniles are prohibited from smoking, drinking and carrying firearms. A status offence is a type of crime that is not based on prohibited actions but it rests with the fact that the offender has a certain personal conditioner of a specified character. Status offences are offences which are committed by juveniles and because of their age they are not considered to be an adult and therefore cannot be tried as an adult (Schmalleger, 2011). Status offences protect juveniles from harm because they are essentially too young. They are children in the sight of the law. Delinquency can relate to status of offences because of the things that these delinquents go through and how they can be different from the things that adults go through. Juveniles and children deal with anger, peer pressure, depression, childhood trauma, dysfunctional families, need for high academics and pressure regarding academics, idolizing rappers, actors and even criminals and bullying.. All of these things can cause delinquency to relate to status of offences. Research shows that there is not just one single cause for delinquency. While the things that I mentioned above may very well lead to delinquency, one doesn’t out rank the other and not one is the specific cause for delinquency. Many children in my town idolize this local rapper. For a very long time, he was suspected of hiring people to kill other local rappers. Even though this happened, he would give away turkeys during Thanksgiving, give away school supplies or even bicycles. Maybe he was thinking he was paying a penance and that his good deeds would balance out with the bad things that he was doing. Children all over this town were passionate about this young man. He was found guilty and sentenced to prison. However, the children want to be like him. I volunteered at an inner-city school and this man is the main topic of all the kids’ conversations! They absolutely idolized him. Therefore, they even formed gangs in his honor and began fighting and killing each other. I asked a student his reasons, and he told me the lyrics to the song are how they live. There are also positive variables that bring the rate of juvenile crime down. There are programs that are based in schools as well as outside of schools that help juveniles deal with emotional distress. Some of these programs just provide a release for these youth. They are taught how to control their emotions and behavior. They are even taught how to interact with each other in some programs. One key point of many programs is to teach juveniles conflict resolution. When they are faced with conflicts, they need to be able to make smart decisions. These are skills they are needed and are provided to them. They have to be taught how to make the right decisions when they are put in bad situations and this is the aim of such programs. At this time in our country, we are experiencing a difficult time with bullying. There are many anti-bullying campaigns which are in place in cities all across our nation. Bullying can have a horrible adverse effect on a juvenile. It can cause him to retaliate at worst, or even to act out in a harmful manner. These programs could possible reduce bullying by making juveniles aware of the harm that bullying can cause not only to the person who is being bullied, but to his family and friends as well. This will hopefully reduce the negative, aggressive behavior of bullies. Saying â€Å"No† to peer pressure can be another way to deter juveniles from crime. When they feel that they do not have to please their friends or to fit in, they can make better choices. I believe that the main support that juveniles need is the support of their family. When a child is raised in a functional home with rules, he has a better chance of not entering the juvenile court system or even the adult corrections system. These children not only look to their parents, they look to their older siblings, leaders in their communities, pastors, teachers and even their politicians. When we as adults break laws and are punished, even though we are punished, it still sends the wrong message to our children.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Effects of Drugs and Alcohol on the Body essays

The Effects of Drugs and Alcohol on the Body essays When we bring drugs and alcohol into our campus community, we are not only effecting ourselves, but we are also effecting all the other aspects that make up our community. The consequences undoubtedly outweigh the brief release that we receive from these unnecessary substances. When we bring these things into our community, we are not only breaking a strictly enforced rule, we are endangering the well being of ourselves and each other. There are several risks when it comes to bringing drugs or alcohol into our campus community. When under the influence of alcohol or drugs, we are at the risk of harming ourselves and others. If we decide we are sober enough to drive home we are not only putting ourselves at risk, we are putting everyone else on the road in danger also. If we do not drive, there are still risks. Consumption of alcohol or drugs can and will effect our ability to make correct and logical decisions which may lead to issues we are not yet ready to deal with. We do not, however, always consider the long term effects of drugs on our bodies. Alcohol and drugs have an immense impact on our body and the way it functions. If these substances are used on a regular basis, there is a significant likelihood for an addiction to be acquired. When we use drugs and alcohol we are damaging our brain and the way it functions and thus we are not able achieve our goals for our college experience. There are also people from our homes that care dearly about us. When we use drugs and alcohol, the consequences directly effect our families and loved ones as much as they effect ourselves. When we use these substances we are more than likely disappointing our loved ones and undoubtedly hurting their feelings. We are all young. If we use unhealthy substances now we are risking suffering for the rest of our lives. Liver disease, cancer, lung disease, brain deterioration, heart disease, stomach ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How To Write a Victim Impact Statement

How To Write a Victim Impact Statement Among the most effective tools victims have in the fight against crime is the victim impact statement, used at the time of sentencing of defendants, and in many states, at parole hearings. All 50 states now allow some form of victim impact information at sentencing. Most states allow either oral or written statements, or both, from the victim at the sentencing hearing, and require victim impact information to be included in the pre-sentence report and given to the judge before imposing sentence. In a majority of states, victim impact statements are also allowed at parole hearings, while in other states a copy of the original statement is attached to the offenders file to be reviewed by the parole board. Some states allow these statements to be updated by the victims, to include any additional impact the original crime has had on their lives. Part of the Justice Process In a few states, victim impact statements are even allowed a bail hearing, pretrial release hearings, and even plea bargain hearings. For most victims of crime, these statements provide them an opportunity to focus the courts attention on the human cost of the crime and allow the victims to become a part of the criminal justice process. More than 80 percent of crime victims who have given such statements consider them to be a very important part of the process. In some states, but not all, the law allowing victim impact statements specifically require the judge (or parole board) to consider the statements in making a decision. In those states, the victim statements indeed have more impact on the judicial process and outcome. Elements of a Victim Impact Statement Typically, a victim impact statement will contain the following: The physical, financial, psychological or emotional impact of the crime.The harm that was done to family relationships by the crime, such as the loss of a parent or caregiver.Descriptions of medical treatment or psychological services required by the victim as a result of the crime.The need for restitution.The victims opinion of an appropriate sentence for the offender. How to Write a Victim Impact Statement? Most states have a Victim Impact Statement form available for victims to complete. If the state does not have a form, focusing on the questions above is helpful. Also, all states have victim assistance programs. If you have questions about completing the statement, you can always contact the victim assistance program and ask for help or clarification. Completing Your Written Statement: Many people will be reading your statement including the judge, attorneys, probation and parole officers, and prison treatment personnel. The answers should be written neatly or typed.Completing the answers on a separate piece of paper will allow for errors to be fixed before transposing the information on to the final form. Ask for additional forms in case you make a mistake or decide to re-word your answers.When completing a form, it is not mandatory that the answers fit into the space provided. Include additional sheets when necessary.Try to keep the answers concise, but do write descriptively. You want to express the depth of how you feel (fear, trauma, and severe loss) and by using descriptive words, it will people identify with your experience. What Should Be Discussed on the Form Discuss how you felt while the crime was taking place or the emotional impact this crime has had on your life. Discuss the physical, psychological, and financial impact of the crime. Use specific examples of how the crime has changed your life. Document and itemize financial losses, as a result of the crime. Include both major and minor losses. For example, loss of work, the expense of moving, the cost of gas to go back and forth to doctors offices as a result of an injury incurred during the crime. Also, include future expenses. What to Avoid Do not include information that identifies your physical address, phone number, place of employment, or email address. The defendant will have access to your letter or the statement you read in court and could use the information to contact you in the future. Do not introduce new evidence not covered at the trial or repeat evidence already presented. Do not use derogatory or obscene language. To do so will diminish the impact of your statement. Do not describe any harm that you hope the offender will experience in prison. Reading an Impact Statement in Court If you do not feel that you can read your statement in court, or you become too emotional to finish it, ask for an alternate or family representative to read it for you. If you want to show a picture or some other object while giving your statement, ask the courts permission first. Write out your statement before speaking to the judge. Reading a statement can become very emotional, and it is easy to lose track of what you are saying. Having a written copy will help you cover all of the points that you want to convey. When you read your statement, focus on speaking only to the judge. If you want to speak directly to the defendant, ask the judges permission to do so first. Remember, directing your comments to the accused is not necessary. Anything you want to convey can be done by speaking directly to the judge. How to Avoid Being Manipulated by Defendant Do not let the defendant manipulate you into losing your control. Many times criminals will purposely try to anger the victim during their statement so that they do not finish. They may snicker, laugh, make sarcastic faces, yawn loudly, or even make obscene gestures. Some criminals will even shout out derogatory comments about the victim. By staying focused on the judge, the criminal will not be able to sabotage your statement. Do not express anger about the trial, the attorneys, the court or the offender. This is your time to express the pain you have experienced and influence the sentence the defendant will receive. Anger, explosive outbursts, using obscene language or making reference to what kind of harm you hope the defendant will face in prison will diminish the impact of your statement. Laws regarding victim impact statements vary from state to state. To find out the law in your state, contact the local prosecutors office, the state Attorney Generals office, or a local law library.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

CVS Internal assesment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CVS Internal assesment - Research Paper Example They create visual representations that show the customers’ position in relation to client’s tastes and the competing brands (Ranchhod & Gurau, 2007). A marketing strategy is a process in which an organization uses its limited resources to maximize its greatest opportunities with a hope to gain or retain a competitive advantage (Metcalfe & Warde, 2002). The CVS is a leader in pharmaceutical services industry. This happens through delivery of customer prescriptions. The company also helps customers to access medicines easily. CVS Caremark uses a number of marketing strategies to deal with its competitors. CVS Caremark is positioned in convenient locations to easy customer access. The company offers 24 hours service. These two strategies make CVS Caremark’s products easy to access especially for those who like frequent glossary shopping. The company’s biggest challenge is high competition in the market environment (Dibb & Simkin, 2008). CVS Caremark is working towards winning customer trust, confidence and loyalty. The company is using the social media as a strong marketing tool. The company also gives customized offers from its local stores. CVS Caremark after reviewing its marketing strategies claimed that customers were more informed and involved in their healthcare products than ever. Walgreens was a relatively small company a few years ago. However, the company has undergone a transformation which has made it prosperous. Walgreens developed a desire to pay more attention to the needs of its clients. This was particularly done to the young mothers who had multiple children. This means the company was investing for more sales with these mothers in the coming days. The company also built strong internal relationships strategically. They included functional interdepartmental relationships. This is because the CEO of the company believed that relationships and connections are necessary for the entire company to

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Cross-Cultural Awareness Respond to question Essay - 1

Cross-Cultural Awareness Respond to question - Essay Example adership’ in their areas of expertise.  Both the leaderships of various organizations and the workforce having little influence anticipate free flow of information through participatory communication. At 80 China occupies a higher ranking on the PDI scale. The society believes that social and economic disparities amongst people are normal. The relationship between subordinates and their seniors seems to be ineffective and thus the society is prone to misuse of authority by the high and mighty. Individuals tend to honor formal leadership and orders and are usually upbeat about people’s competence for management initiatives. Chinese believe people should restrain their ambitions to their current position, especially in the corporate world. According to Adler (2008), individualism primarily connotes the level of interdependence amongst members of a society. It involves whether people refer to themselves individually or collectively. In an Individualist system, people are expected to look after themselves and their nearest and dearest only. Collectivist societies on the other hand witness people organize themselves in groups that fulfill their interests in exchange for allegiance. The United States scores 91 on this measure. This means the American culture is highly individualistic. Adler (2008) avers that the American culture is loosely-knit, and as a result people take care of themselves and those who are close to them. Americans have a high affinity to covering large distances and doing business with members of different cultures. In the corporate world, employees tend to be their own bosses, especially in their various capacities or areas of expertise. Good work eventually may earn them promotion. At 20, China is a highly communalist society where decisions are made by groups rather than individuals. In the group scenario, employee hiring and job promotions tend to be based on family and friendship ties.   Employees tend to be less committed to the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Renaissance architecture, sculpture, & painting Essay

Renaissance architecture, sculpture, & painting - Essay Example The essay "Renaissance architecture, sculpture, & painting" explores architecture, sculpture, & painting of Renaissance. The Renaissance artists depicted the world in its natural situation in their art forms. They had the sense of space and perspective that medieval artists lacked. Their representation of the natural world is most evident in the paintings of the time. Landscapes became the â€Å"earthly settings† of the paintings. For instance, consider Andrea Mantegna’s Arrival of Cardinal Francesco Gonzaga. This fresco, completed in 1474, features a landscape as the setting, depicting the trees, hills, and the surroundings in their natural look. Pietro Bruegel, the Elder, in his The Peasant Dance (1568), painted his subjects over a natural setting of a village. It is not only in the settings of the Renaissance art forms that the beauty of the natural world was portrayed; it was depicted as well in the human figures as subjects. As paintings of the time became less of religious forms, they came to portray subjects realistically. Apart from the representation of the natural world in the paintings, the liveliness of the human form became evident in the artworks. Da Vinci’s ever-famous Mona Lisa was such a humanistic portrayal. The smile on that womanly face had caught the attention ever since. In sculpture, Michelangelo’s Moses is a good example. He was dedicated to portraying lifelike human details that he even pared muscles and veins. The humanistic approach to paintings was also implied.